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Release Notes


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tag
mhb beta
api beta
ui beta
stream beta
proxy beta
receiver beta

✨ New Features

  • Added support for JPEG XS.


To use this feature, a separate purchase of the JPEGXSpt JPEG XS Receiving Point is required.
Sales are scheduled to begin at the time of the official release.

  • Added TS Monitoring functionality.


To use this feature, a separate purchase of the TSMONpt TS Monitoring Point is required.
Sales are scheduled to begin at the time of the official release.

  • Added support for unicast reception of AES67.
  • Added functionality to register one MediaHarbor as the input source of another, enabling parent-child configurations.

🎨 UI/UX Enhancements

  • Modified display strings during AES67 reception to show the source name.
  • Made the log display screen responsive.
  • Enabled customizable grid splits for layouts.
  • Adjusted so that previous settings are retained even after monitoring is turned off.
  • Fixed display behavior to stretch the input resolution to fit the layout frame, ignoring the aspect ratio.

⚡ Functionality Improvements

  • Improved performance of the monitoring log screen.
  • Changed the log display screen to infinite scrolling.
  • Added functionality to configure the retention period of monitoring logs.
  • Added system start/stop logs.
  • Added license activation success/error logs.
  • Added start/stop logs for TS monitoring and SCTE analysis.
  • Enabled playback of input sources without audio streams.

🩹 Minor Fixes

  • Enabled checking and copying of Layout ID, Source ID, and Resource ID used in API calls.
  • Added automatic generation of UUIDs for Source IDs if not present during source import.
  • Adjusted behavior so that placing the same source twice moves the existing source to the new position.
  • Improved the stability of signal input for the audio/video monitoring feature.
  • Enhanced the stability of signal handoff from the receiving container to the synthesis container.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Tally IDs did not disappear even after being unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where previous data sometimes remained when opening the input editing screen.
  • Resolved an issue where detailed settings for input sources occasionally disappeared.


✨ New Features


  • You can now select the installation version when running the installer.


The beta version installer, which was previously provided separately, has been integrated.


🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where WebRTC playback could not be configured correctly when installed in an IPv6 environment with NAT traversal.


🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Zabbix Agent container could not be connected.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tag
mhb latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11
api latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11
ui latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11
stream latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11
proxy latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11
receiver latest, arm-latest, 2024.10.11, arm-2024.10.11

✨ New Features

  • Added functionality to display information for incoming streams.

You can check this by opening the edit screen of a source used in the layout.

alt text

  • Added the ability to measure the incoming bitrate value for each input source.
  • Added logging functionality for input signal drop detection and low-bandwidth input signal detection.
  • Added threshold setting for low-bandwidth input signal detection.
  • It is now possible to always receive input even if it is not included in the layout.


You can confirm stream information and detect signal drops or low bandwidth even without screen display.
By purchasing various monitoring licenses, you can also perform audio/video monitoring and SCTE35 analysis as background processes outside the layout.
Note that overlay display is not available, but notifications will be logged.

  • Added the ability to display streams for a specified service ID.


When specifying a service ID, there is a known issue where playback may stop during the start/end of multiplexing.
This issue will be fixed in a future update.

  • Added a security settings screen.
  • Added the ability to lock settings with administrator and app passwords.
  • Added API key authentication functionality.


By enabling the administrator password, you can restrict setting changes.
Enabling the app password allows you to restrict viewing.
If a password is enabled, API key authentication is required when calling the API from external systems.

  • Added support for receiving IP tally signals with TSL UMD Protocol V5.0.


For UDP, receive on port 8900; for TCP, receive on port 9000.

  • Added RTP multicast reception functionality.
  • Added a feature to specify Stream ID when using SRT Caller.
  • Added support for MP2 audio codec.
  • Added support for MP3 audio codec.
  • Added support for AC3 Dolby Digital audio codec.
  • Added support for E-AC-3 Dolby Digital Plus audio codec.

⚡ Feature Improvements

  • Reduced the processing load for audio and video monitoring.

🎨 UI/UX Improvements

  • Redesigned the audio level bar.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where playback would not resume for a while when transitioning multiple times between the multi-view screen and layout edit screen, leaving it in the "Initializing" state.
  • Fixed an issue where TS files received in the experimental HLS mode were not deleted and accumulated.
  • Made fixes to improve stability.

🩹 Minor Fixes

  • The layout name on the top page now updates in real time.
  • The audio/video monitoring log is now recorded in the container log.
  • Made performance improvements.


✨ New Features


  • Enabled connectivity to the Zabbix Agent container from an external Zabbix Server.


✨ New Features


  • Added the construction process for the Memcached container.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
api latest, arm-latest, 2024.8.2, arm-2024.8.2
ui latest, arm-latest, 2024.8.2, arm-2024.8.2
receiver latest, arm-latest, 2024.8.2, arm-2024.8.2

✨ New Features

  • Added a deinterlacing function to the detailed settings of the input source.
  • Added a rescaling function to the detailed settings of the input source.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
receiver 2024.7.30, arm-2024.7.30

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where SCTE35 log output was not functioning correctly due to changes in Fluent Bit's behavior specifications.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
api 2024.7.25, arm-2024.7.25
ui 2024.7.25, arm-2024.7.25
receiver 2024.7.25, arm-2024.7.25

✨ New Features

  • Added support for AES67 input.
  • Enabled reordering of layout items.
  • Added a search function for sources in the layout edit screen.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue on iPhone where switching from HLS to WebRTC caused both to play simultaneously, resulting in doubled audio.
  • Fixed an issue in the layout edit screen where pressing the Delete key on the keyboard sometimes removed non-selected sources from the layout.

🩹 Minor Fixes

  • MediaHarbor now starts with the last displayed layout upon reboot.
  • Added a feature to prevent setting the same internal connection port number as other sources.
  • Fixed an issue where there was an extra margin at the bottom of the layout edit screen.

🔒 Security Updates


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
receiver 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5

✨ New Features

  • Added log and overlay masking functionality.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Implemented measures to address issues where DTS rolls back or transcoding cannot continue due to data loss.
  • Fixed the issue where streams do not display after reloading the SRT Browser.
  • Adjusted to add a 2-second keyframe to browser streams.
  • Fixed the issue where receiving processing does not resume after it ends when the HLS playlist reaches the end.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb latest, arm-latest, 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5
api 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5
ui 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5
stream latest, arm-latest, 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5
proxy latest, arm-latest, 2024.7.5, arm-2024.7.5

✨ New Features

  • Added Slack notification and email sending functionality for logs.
  • Added a notification rule setting screen.
  • Added a notification destination setting screen.
  • Added a masking function for logs and overlays.
  • Added a notification masking function.

🎨 UI/UX Improvements

  • The blue border for audio selection is now on the browser side, so it will not be applied to videos.
  • Implemented a blue border feature for audio selection on the browser side.
  • Modified to continue playback without stopping the receiving container when changing the layout while the same source is included in multiple layouts.
  • Layout changes are now queued to fix the issue where continuous layout changes would stop at misaligned positions.
  • Added log level retention feature to event logs.
  • Modified to retain the order of the dashboard.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where non-16:9 resolutions were mixed in the resolution selection for web browser input.
  • Fixed the issue where video and browser would not be displayed after mhb restart.
  • Fixed the issue where mhb would stop if the license manager could not be accessed.
  • Fixed a sigsegv occurring in TickView.
  • Fixed a sigsegv occurring during audio encoding when updating the layout.
  • Fixed an issue where WebRTC playback would drop to 1fps in certain environments.

🩹 Minor Fixes

  • Added email sending split function.
  • Adjusted codec parameters: Fixed the issue where a large number of slices would cause stuttering in environments with many cores.
  • Fixed the issue where Grafana would not be displayed when registered to multiple input sources due to an upper limit.
  • The SCTE35 dashboard template is now included in the initial installation.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
api 2024.5.16, arm-2024.5.16
receiver 2024.5.16, arm-2024.5.16

✨ New Features


  • Now supports installation in proxy environments.


  • Now supports operation in proxy environments.


  • Now supports operation in proxy environments.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30
api 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30
ui 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30
stream 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30
proxy 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30
receiver 2024.4.30, arm-2024.4.30

✨ New Features

Event Log Screen

  • Added an event log screen.
  • Added a log settings screen.

Dashboard Screen

  • Added a dashboard screen.
  • Added a dashboard settings screen (Grafana).
  • Enabled setting Grafana dashboards as input sources.


MediaHarbor utilizes Grafana OSS, so there are limitations on connectable data sources. Please be aware of this in advance.
If it is possible to create public dashboards in Grafana Cloud or in the connected application, you can display them similarly by setting the URL in the Browser input source of MediaHarbor.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Error Page Implementation

  • Fixed an issue where the error page remained displayed when setting the Grafana dashboard as the input source at startup.

Add Point Types

  • VAMONpt Points for monitoring video and audio
  • TSMONpt Points for TS monitoring
  • SCTEpt Points for SCTE35 analysis

Implementation of Video and Audio Monitoring Function

  • Added the video and audio monitoring function.


Separate purchase of VAMONpt points for video and audio monitoring is required.

Implementation of SCTE35 Analysis Function

  • Added the SCTE35 analysis function.


Separate purchase of SCTEpt points for SCTE35 analysis is required.

🎨 UI/UX Improvements

Improved Container List Screen

  • Implemented display of the source name for receiver containers.

Refurbishment of the Event Log Screen

  • Created a function to register the event log as an input source.

Refurbishment of the Audio and Video Monitoring Settings Screen

  • Added a button to reset the monitoring settings to default.
  • Adjusted the threshold settings for blackout and freeze to allow decimal values.

⚡ Functional Improvements

Zoom Functionality

  • Implemented client-side zoom processing on double-click to prevent interference from other users' operations.


This results in a stretched image because part of the multiview is cut out on the client side.

Audio Selection

  • Changed the method of selecting audio with a single click so that users can choose the audio they want to hear.


This is only supported in WebRTC (low latency mode). HLS (standard latency) will be supported in future updates.

Container Management Screen

  • Added a container log download functionality.

Input Settings Screen

  • Set a restriction that images over 4MB cannot be registered.
  • Added enable/disable settings for SCTE35 analysis and TS monitoring.
  • Added resolution selection functionality for web browser input.
  • Added reception buffer and latency settings to the detailed settings for protocols other than SRT.

Home Page

  • Clicking on the credit points card now displays the remaining balance of all types of points.


  • Improved decode processing performance on PCs with a high number of cores.


  • Added log registration functionality for audio and video monitoring.
  • Made adjustments to web browser input.
  • Experimental mode for HLS input now supports audio capture as well.


  • Added the construction process for the Grafana container.
  • Added the construction process for the Zabbix container.

🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where layout selection change requests were repeatedly sent.
  • Fixed an issue where the order of the dashboard would revert back when returning to the dashboard after rearranging it.
  • Made minor fixes to internal data management.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented file playback.
  • Fixed a bug that caused web browser input to malfunction.
  • Fixed an issue where HLS playback URLs containing the symbols & and ? could not be played.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to send to MediaHarbor when encryption was enabled.

Stability Improvements for MediaHarbor Server

  • Fixed a crash issue when the background image is small.
  • Solved the frame rate drop problem in video streams.
  • Made various bug fixes and changes to improve stability.

Error Correction during MediaHarbor Player Layout Updates

  • Improved to restart only specific sources during layout updates.
  • Fixed sound inconsistencies during layout updates.

Added Automatic Recovery Processing to MediaHarbor Player

  • Implemented automatic recovery processing in case data reception gets congested.


  • Fixed an issue where running the installer in the root directory caused migrations to fail.


📦 Target Container

Container Name Tags
mhb 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1
api 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1
ui 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1
stream 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1
proxy 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1
receiver 2024.2.1, ubuntu-2024.2.1, arm-2024.2.1

🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where deleting an input source would cause an error due to its impact on the currently displayed layout, leading to the API container restarting.
  • Corrected the display of SRT and RTP port numbers in the connection information section of the Input/Monitoring Settings screen, which were shown as internal connection port numbers.
  • Fixed an issue on the Input/Monitoring Settings screen where the default values were being entered into the port number field when the edit button was pressed.


  • Fixed an issue where the RTP reception function did not work when routed through the receiver container.

⚡ Feature Improvements


  • Removed the FEC setting option for RTP input as it has been automated.


  • Reduced memory usage when no background image is set.
  • Adjusted to accept background image sizes up to 4MB.


📦 Target Container

Container Name Tags
receiver ubuntu-2024.1.24, arm-2024.1.24


  • Released the ARM version of the receiver container.


Web browser input does not work on the ARM version.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2024.1.23, ubuntu-2024.1.23, arm-2024.1.23
api 2024.1.23, ubuntu-2024.1.23, arm-2024.1.23
ui 2024.1.23, ubuntu-2024.1.23, arm-2024.1.23
stream 2024.1.23, ubuntu-2024.1.23, arm-2024.1.23
proxy 2024.1.23, ubuntu-2024.1.23, arm-2024.1.23
receiver 2024.1.23

✨ New Features


  • Added the ability to set the bitrate of WebRTC in the system settings screen.
  • Added the ability to enable/disable SRT output and set the bitrate in the system settings screen.
  • Added the ability to enable/disable HDMI output in the system settings screen.
  • Added HLS, color bar, and Web browser to the input protocol of the source settings.
  • Added the ability to set a background image for the layout.
  • Added the ability to deselect the audio selection by clicking the source with the audio selection frame again on the multi-view screen.
  • Added monitoring option settings.


The monitoring function will be released at a later date. Additional purchase of points for Video/Audio monitoring is required for use.


  • Minor bug fixes have been made.
  • Supported setting of background image for layout.
  • Added function to deselect audio selection.
  • Text resource can now set text color, outline color, and text alignment.
  • Implemented API for SRT output settings, WebRTC output settings, HDMI output settings.
  • Added function to set the bitrate of WebRTC.


  • Supported API for setting background image of layout.
  • Added function to control start/stop of Receiver container.


  • Adjusted upload size limit for background image upload.


  • Added a new stream receiving container.
  • Supported HLS input.


If you cannot play well, please try changing the HLS mode to experimental mode.

  • Added color bar generation function.
  • Added Web browser input function.


Web browser input does not work on the ARM version.

🎨 UI/UX Improvements


  • Removed the number of connected users displayed in the upper right.


The display in the upper right is scheduled to be changed to server status display.

⚡ Functionality Improvements


  • Increased the amount of log storage.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
api 2023.12.4, ubuntu-2023.12.4, arm-2023.12.4
ui 2023.12.4, ubuntu-2023.12.4, arm-2023.12.4


  • Added probe size to the detailed settings of the input source.


If you cannot play high-bitrate material, try increasing the probe setting.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.10.30, ubuntu-2023.10.30, arm-2023.10.30
api 2023.10.30, ubuntu-2023.10.30, arm-2023.10.30
ui 2023.10.30, ubuntu-2023.10.30, arm-2023.10.30
stream 2023.10.30, ubuntu-2023.10.30, arm-2023.10.30
proxy 2023.10.30, ubuntu-2023.10.30, arm-2023.10.30

✨ New Features


  • Added input/monitoring settings screen.


The monitoring settings will be released at a later date.

  • Added the ability to import/export input settings.
  • Added probe size to the detailed settings of the input source.


  • Added probe size setting.

🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue with CPU compatibility that prevented it from running on AMD CPUs.
    Made adjustments to support operation from Skylake (6th generation) and later.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to play TS files shorter than 60 seconds could sometimes fail.

🔒 Security Updates


  • Allowed iframe embedding for convenience.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.10.18, ubuntu-2023.10.18, arm-2023.10.18
api 2023.10.18, ubuntu-2023.10.18, arm-2023.10.18
ui 2023.10.18, ubuntu-2023.10.18, arm-2023.10.18
stream 2023.10.18, ubuntu-2023.10.18, arm-2023.10.18
proxy 2023.10.18, ubuntu-2023.10.18, arm-2023.10.18

✨ New Features


Layout Settings
  • Enabled zooming in/out of elements using +/- buttons.

🐛 Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where resources would not update until a restart, even after being updated.

🩹 Minor Fixes


Layout Settings
  • Fixed an issue where elements could be placed off the grid positions during layout editing.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.10.11, ubuntu-2023.10.11, arm-2023.10.11
api 2023.10.11, ubuntu-2023.10.11, arm-2023.10.11
ui 2023.10.11, ubuntu-2023.10.11, arm-2023.10.11
stream 2023.10.11, ubuntu-2023.10.11, arm-2023.10.11
proxy 2023.10.11, ubuntu-2023.10.11, arm-2023.10.11

✨ New Features


Layout Settings
  • Added timezone settings to the clock resource.

🎨 UI/UX Improvements


Layout Settings
  • Improved the settings screen when selecting File as the input source type.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.10.10, ubuntu-2023.10.10, arm-2023.10.10
api 2023.10.10, ubuntu-2023.10.10, arm-2023.10.10
ui 2023.10.10, ubuntu-2023.10.10, arm-2023.10.10
stream 2023.10.10, ubuntu-2023.10.10, arm-2023.10.10
proxy 2023.10.10, ubuntu-2023.10.10, arm-2023.10.10

🐛 Bug Fixes


Layout Settings
  • Fixed a bug where the configuration data could get corrupted when updating the input source settings.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.10.3, ubuntu-2023.10.3, arm-2023.10.3
api 2023.10.3, ubuntu-2023.10.3, arm-2023.10.3
ui 2023.10.3, ubuntu-2023.10.3, arm-2023.10.3
stream 2023.10.3, ubuntu-2023.10.3, arm-2023.10.3
proxy 2023.10.3, ubuntu-2023.10.3, arm-2023.10.3

✨ New Features


System Settings
  • Added a feature to display a list of active containers.
  • You can also check the version and logs from here.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.9.26, ubuntu-2023.9.26, arm-2023.9.26
api 2023.9.26, ubuntu-2023.9.26, arm-2023.9.26
ui 2023.9.26, ubuntu-2023.9.26, arm-2023.9.26
stream 2023.9.26, ubuntu-2023.9.26, arm-2023.9.26
proxy 2023.9.26, ubuntu-2023.9.26, arm-2023.9.26

✨ New Features

  • Public release of the installer
  • Public release of the production Docker image
  • Added Ubuntu and arm versions

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the video was disrupted when receiving a YUV 4:2:2 10bit signal.

💥 Major Changes

  • Changed the DB engine to MariaDB 11.


Updates from the beta version are not possible.
Delete the DB folder before installing.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tag
mhb 2023.8.24
api 2023.8.24
ui 2023.8.24
stream 2023.8.24
proxy 2023.8.24

✨ New Features


Input source settings
  • Detailed SRT settings can now be configured.

⚡ Functional Improvements


  • Because ports used in each container were separated, it was necessary to open ports. Now unified to port 80.


📦 Target Containers

Container Name Tags
mhb 2023.8.4
api 2023.8.4
ui 2023.8.4
stream 2023.8.4
proxy 2023.8.4

✨ New Features

  • Beta version pre-released.